Do You Have Defensible Space
In 2020, wildfire caused a tremendous amount of damage in the Lincoln City area. The loss of homes was staggering. We all should be mindful of the possible danger from wildfire. For most of our area it is the overgrown grass and overgrown hedges that are the potential problem.
Some of the properties in our fire district are in need of attention. Fire spreads fast and with a little wind can quickly get out of hand. Please take a look at your property and see if you should be addressing overgrown grasses and weeds.
The City of Yachats lies within our Fire District and has an ordinance (section 5.08.110) addressing vegetation overgrowth, check it out and see if you are in compliance. If your property has no structure on it, but is covered in overgrowth it still has the potential to be a fire risk. If you need help finding someone to address the overgrowth, contact us and I will help find a willing worker.
The Oregon State Fire Marshall has helpful information concerning how to make your property less of a fire risk. Check it out:
Thank you for your time.
Frankie M Petrick, Fire Chief